Monday, January 2, 2017

2017, when did you get here?

It is an embarrassment to see that my last post was pre-Scotland, September 2016. Mom and I did indeed spend two weeks in Scotland. Our side trips were perhaps not quite so grand as envisioned--did you know that when they say that back roads are narrow, they mean as narrow as proper spaghetti. And we were on all the back roads, driving on the left side, and I had to totally depend on Mom to help me not take out the whole left side of the car against stone walls or fall into ditches! We drove for miles with Mom chanting "left, left, left"! I was sick for the first 2 days or so and once recovered, we quickly realized that our plans to see Glencoe and drive to Inverness via the Great Glen were far too grand. We ended up taking short trips down to Doune Castle, Inchmahome Priory, Stirling Castle, and then a very short jaunt into Edinburgh. We even climbed a small mountain, Ben A'an, that provided an amazing challenge for out-of-shape, pudgy me, but also an amazing view and wonderful experience. But I'm not going to look back at this time. I'll post more about the trip in later entries.

So, 2017!

I'm completely wrapped up in yarn this new year. In fact, so tightly wrapped, that my only true resolution is for only one month! Other goals, yes, but none so firm as this. January 2017 is officially my WIPE OUT WIPs month! I have cast on only one new project, and it was particularly begun after the ball dropped in order to qualify for two knitting group KALs. That new cast on is Find Your Fade by Andrea Mowry.

Here's the very tip of the shawl. The precious project bag was specially made for me by Ashley Eskew of Twist Fiber Studio for Christmas (thank you thank you).

If you are familiar with the Find Your Fade pattern, the original takes 7 different colors. I decided to make it a stash busting projecting and ended up with enough yarn to make 2 full shawls! 

But I decided on the palette to the far left for my first Find Your Fade, assuming I do enjoy it and can stomach making a second one.

I've begun with the pale fawn color, which is Reindeer on Tosh Merino Light. Color B will be Voolenvine's Gashlycrumb; Color C is Tuscan Spice on Plymouth Yarn's Happy Feet 100 Splash; Color D is Botticelli Red on Malabrigo Sock; Color E is Amber Trinket on Tosh Merino Light; Color F is the fabulous Rusty Nail on Rock & String Creations Jitterbug Sock; and finally Thunderstorm on Tosh Merino Light. From light to dark. I think it will be very nice.

My progress for WIPE OUT WIPs month? I'm almost done with the Antler sweater by Anke Strick, which is for Mom. The next two obvious projects to finish are my Rosemont Cardigan by Hannah Fettig (only lacks a sleeve and the large buttonless band) and the Triple Falls shawl that is my own design. But...there will be a significant amount of actual frogging to meet this goal. I don't anticipate getting rid of all works in progress, but I hope to get the piles and stashed bags to a reasonable level.

To be honest about the size of this month-long project, I'd best show the evidence. Mom and I have cleaned up the craft room substantially and now the WIP problem cannot be denied. Of all these, only 1 project bag with a WIP is claimed by Mom (that wee little blue bag on top). Whoa.

Here are the bags:

But, that's not all folks!

Ummm, realizing that I've been knitting since approximately 2002 / 2003, and I've been carting some of these WIPs around since then...that stack is a little overwhelming. Part of me wants to toss it and pretend it never existed. Goodness knows my stash is large enough and I don't need the yarn! (Forget I said that about not needing the yarn...that was a total lie to facilitate making space for just that, more yarn!) Goodness, one box is even screaming to be frogged in Sharpie!

More on this goal later.

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